Monday, November 23, 2009

A Boring Post

This is an incredibly boring post. It was what was in my head or nothing!

I know I haven't been blogging much. I've still in the middle of a computer transition. I don't have my pictures on the new machine yet.

Sunday was the primary program. It went well and I'm so happy to have it done. The rest of church that followed was incredibly tiring. I think it's going to be a few days before I feel recovered from the two...just in time for the boys to be home from school!

My house feels like a disaster zone as I write this. It's in need of some deep organizing and cleaning again. The kid's school is doing a book drive and I've been sorting through all that we own (too many). It looks as though I will be parting with 150+ books. While it's counts as organizing, right now it's just making things messier.

Sarah has gone from begging everyday for friends to complaining about them. What is up with my daughter? Just as soon as I get things figured out, she mixes it up.

I'm tired today. The old type of tired. I started the morning cheerful, but fatigue set in at precisely 11:00am. I don't like it.

There. Now I feel a little better. Time to go get some stuff done.


Nicole said...

I'm very impressed that you are getting rid of that many books. That would make a big difference around here. Sorry about the fatigue. Let's hope today was just a fluke and you'll be better tomorrow. : )

lynea said...

you can't be as unorganzied as me! Does that make you feel any better?

Anonymous said...

Wow, 150 books now that should make a difference in freeing up some room. Too funny about Sarah and the friends. Is that a girl thing? I don't remember the boys doing that.
Hope your energy comes back for the Thanksgiving weekend.