Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Wish

The gospel of Christ is a gospel of progression. What would be the point if we didn't believe we could ever be better than what we are now?

But I tell you, sometimes I think I'll never improve, never overcome my inadequacies, never truly move forward. I wish I would stop preventing myself from being what I really could be.

I wish I could always show those around me how dear they are to me.

I wish I never let a ball drop.

I wish I was always a patient mom. I have so many good ideas, but rarely carry them out. If I do, I'm not consistent.

I wish my house was always (ever) clean.

I wish my emotions were less rollercoastery.

I wish I was always a thoughtful wife.

I wish I always met people's expectations.

I wish I was always a good friend. Sometimes, I just suck (and my heart aches).

I wish everyone understood me.

I wish I were more humble, more spiritual.

I wish I had a life coach.

I wish I could be happy all the time.

I wish I was more charitable.

I wish I was more grateful for my blessings.

I wish I didn't feel guilt.

I wish I was enough.

I wish I was perfect.

Here's some quotes I came across while cleaning my desk today:

"You can do anything - but not everything."

"My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy."

"Your net usable faith is what is left after subtracting your doubt and disbelief."

I'm up to my nose in blessings, with only a few trials to balance it out. Is life still hard? You betcha.

P.S. I wish I remember to spell check before I initialalially posted.


Kerri said...

I wish you'd give yourself a break. (That sounds snotty, but it's not meant snottily.) (Is snottily a word? Well, it sounds good...)

You're perfect enough the way you are.

Lora said...

For what it's worth you always exceed my expectations. And you're always so complimentary of me when I come to you with the same sort of "eh" in life. I think it's probably a good sign that you struggle a bit because it means you are pushing yourself to be better. {Though admittedly I often dream of a life of peaches and cream.}
Love the quotes. Here's one that spoke to me from a fellow crafter's blog {http://karenpedersen.blogspot.com/2009/11/musings.html}:
"Why do women always take their biggest weakness and compare it to someone else's greatest strength?"
Can't wait to escape to dreamland with you next week... :)

Lora said...

p.s. I'VE MISSED YOUR BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know I credit nursery and blogging with our friendship? {No pressure--I just enjoy your perspective and it helps me stay connected even when you're busy.}

Malisa said...

Enjoy my perspective? Isn't it UPLIFTING?!?!

Lora said...

Be nice, lady---that's my friend you're talking about. :)

What's up with the lack of commenters on blogs these days?!

Lynea said...

Nice post. "I wish everyone understood me". I understand you. I love you and miss you. We truly are eternal beings. I feel it in the way I long and I mean really long for somewhere & something more beautiful. Something that I instinctively feel we had at one time. I love to think about going home someday and I hope I am there with everyone I love. It must be only with the Savior's help that we better ourselves because I'm having a rough time going anywhere on my own. Being mortal can be the pitts.

Rowdy Rowlett's said...

Here is my latest thoughts on wishing. I've decided recently that I have 2 options in wishing things were different in my life.
1. I can either make the changes myself, because nothing in life will happen unless I do.
2. If don't change what I'm doing in life, accept that that is the way it will be and choose to be happy with it.

I've decided worrying about things not being perfect or just the way I feel they should, really doesn't get me any closer to being the way I want. The only effort worth using is towards making the changes I want. Plus.. It just makes you depressed to sit and dwell on the things you dont do.

(that said... you've seen me in my PJ's at noon many times... I'm really not working to hard towards much!)

MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

ditto. We are all a lot alike in so many ways. You just know how to express it really well. I love you dear friend. Thank you for being so dear. And thank you for your sweet comments. hugs.