Thursday, June 18, 2009

Now THIS is babysitting!

I love my nieces. They make for some of the best babysitters there are (WHEN THEY ARE AVAILABLE!!). However, this surprised even me. I came home from a morning of errands to find that Krystine had built THIS with Adam:

A diorama! Adam's ideas, Krystine's execution. Yeah, I was impressed too. Oh, they were eating lunch and the house was clean too. There was no trace of the project.

The picture below is just to say how dear my husband is. He knows I have a hard time remembering to do things I should sometimes, like take vitamins. (Yes, they are all vitamins.) Because of the big race he is trying to help me take good care of myself. He gets them out for me when he remembers. (Don't tell, but they are still sitting on my counter. I'll take them soon, but I have such a hard time taking anything at all. I struggle even using Ibuprofen. I try not to overuse anything that it makes it a little difficult to put anything in my body. I know this sounds crazy to some of you.)

On a random side note, I had never tried an energy anything until this week when I drank half of an energy drink. It was nasty and didn't seem to do much. I'm sure there are others out there that would be better, but I worry so much about what's in them/the effect on your body.

But heaven knows I could use some more energy.


Dixie said...

I have a hard time taking thing too. Good luck in the relay!!

Lora said...

Wow! Great babysitter and great ideas, Adam. I can't wait to read your post about your relay!!!

Stephanie said...

It's always so nice to have a great sitter!

Best wishes and good luck on your race! You're so inspiring and amazing; what a woman!!!!!!!

Lanterne Rouge RIder said...

You actually tried that nasty energy drink. I'm sorry. I think all you get from those is tired and wired at the same time.

Congrats on surviving and enjoying the "Back"!

MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

Ya think you sitter got into your energy drink? I wanna hear about the wasatch back....I need a lot of tips for running, like running attire, what are those vitamins exactly, what's a good energy drink or gu stuff, got some good tunes you like to get you goin strong on your runs. I wanna know it all.