Saturday, June 27, 2009


So, I'm in Seattle at Lynea's. We went downtown to Pike's Place today. What were we thinking? It was insanely busy. INSANELY. I am spent.

The night before last I woke up with the room spinning. I couldn't stop it either. It was a crazy horrible sensation which quickly turned to intense nausea. Sort of like motion sickness on steroids. I dragged myself to the bathroom and spent much of my night there being ill and disoriented. Vertigo. It is not something I wish to ever experience again. I'm still feeling some waves of it.

I'm dreading the drive home.

I was hoping to do a post about the Wasatch Back before I left for this trip, but it was not to be. I lost motivation after I read Kerri's great post on it that summed it up nicely. You should check it out. It really was an awesome experience.

Ugh. I feel dizzy.


Kerri said...

So sorry about the vertigo! That is not cool. I hope it resolves itself fully and that the rest of your trip goes well.

Tracy Christopulos Harward said...

That's great you are on your trip. Travel safely and have fun with the kids. Hope the race went well and the vertigo goes away before the drive home!

Mitzi said...

I am so jealous! I need a vacation. Sorry that you got sick. Hope the rest of your trip is fun! See ya when you get back!