Friday, April 10, 2009

Very Random and Somewhat Boring

This post really has no purpose. There is no overall theme - nothing that makes for a good title. I just felt like writing random things.

My life is really good overall. I know that I'm not being grateful enough most of the time these days.

I have been ultra discouraged this week. I think it's a combination of a lot of little things. I just haven't been able to fully shake it. (Actually, today has been good. The kids and I weeded the yard for two hours! It felt so good to get something accomplished.)

I am also pretty busy, but once in a while I STILL get pangs of loneliness. It's weird. I have plenty of good friends these days, but really don't do that much with people. I was just reading some others' blogs and wishing I could be invited into their world. Why do I feel like that? I honestly don't think I'll ever totally escape it.

I have to say this. Sometimes running sucks. My foot is doing well, but I still haven't picked up my speed. This week my dentist told me about two of his kids that ran AMAZING times way back when. I know it's an individual thing, but it didn't help me feel very speedy.

As far as not being too grateful goes - you know how you can be totally content and blessed until you realize there is so much more you could have (or at least it seems like it)? I've been dealing with that. I wish it would go away.

I keep forgetting to write some of the darling things Sarah has been saying. I think she is at her cutest ever right now. When Dad came home two days ago, she ran up to him, hugged him and said "Daddy, Daddy, I love you so much!" Now, she has been telling us all that. Her toys will tell each other "I like you so much" and she usually says "Thank you so much, Mommy" when I do something for her. She can say her name correctly now, but usually slips into saying Sasah or Sarsah still. One of my favorites - bandanda. I bought her a new dress at the mall this week that she wanted on immediately. She had it over her other clothes and kept going up to random people, tapping them and saying "My dress, pretty." While at the mall play area (in Layton), she was jumping of the chairs around the sides and saying "Awesome. Cool. This is fun." She is in LOVE with princesses and carries her figurines almost everywhere. Rather than tell you which one she wants, she'll find a picture of them on something and point to the specific princess and ask, "Where it go?" These short phrases make it sound like she isn't talking a lot, but she is. She has had a speach breakthrough and it has been so fun.

That's about all I feel like writing. Good heavens.


Dixie said...

I think we all go through the lonliness a little. I love this age! They say the cutest things. Whenever Jules can tell that I'm upset she says, "It's alright Mommy." Somehow it always picks me up. I look forward to seeing you later.

Kerri said...

Ahhh, the joys of discouragement. I'm so glad you got so much weeding done. Way to go! I did nothing but whine and yell yesterday, so you're way ahead of me.

Stephanie said...

Thank you for letting our boys play together so much; my boys really like yours!

Would you like to get together and do a craft or have lunch? I would love to spend more time with you, if you like!

Lora said...

When you read my latest post, remember you WERE invited into that world. :) I miss you. It seems like we haven't done anything together for ages!! Are you ready for another card-making party? Sans the little ones, of course.

jennschmerer said...

Ahhh...I feel you so much with the discouragment and loneliness. It's so easy to get down in dumps and not know how to get out. I usually find that's when I really need my GNO to go scrapbooking! Speaking of which, isn't it about time?