Thursday, October 22, 2009

Attitude Changing Grattitude

Never before have I loved all of my children more than I have this week. It feels as though my eyes have been opened to the blessing that they truly are. This is the way I always hope to feel, but often fall short. It it not that they have been angels or that some grand thing has helped me see things differently. It's just a gift from God that I so desperately needed at this time.

Also, my energy has been good from the day I went to the doctor. It seems that this may be the result of a simple prayer.

Perhaps the Lord is aware of me after all.


Lora said...

Absolutely. Good for you for recognizing it!

Lanterne Rouge RIder said...

I am so glad to read this post! We all need that once in a while. Is this related to the cutback in online activities, or are the two independent?

Stephanie said...

You are such a great mother and you inspire me. Thank you for being such a sweet friend; you are a gem!