Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Birthday

I'm toying with the idea of canceling my birthday plans. 50% of people have something going on. 25% have random reasons. I feel guilty about the last 25% whom it seems to be inconvenient for but would join me anyway.

I had decided on the corn maze in West Jordan, with dinner at some sort of casual dining place before at 6:30, which I estimated would put us at the corn maze by 7:30ish. Don't know which way to go right now.

What I would really like for my birthday is some nice uplifting comments. I'm in need of some major support right now thank you very much. I'm feeling a bit hacked down by everything.


Bountiful Blessings said...

You know, if I acually lived closer, I would be ready to C.E.L.E.B.R.A.T.E!!! Here's to you, my blog friend. Know lots of hugs are being sent your way! xoxo

Kerri said...

Malisa, you are amazing, and I am so glad that you are my friend! I'm sorry that your week has been rotten after everything you've done for everybody else. And I sure wish I could be with you on your birthday instead of having cousins overnight... I can guarantee which sounds better!!!

Stephanie said...

You are such a darling person; it breaks my heart your week has been so rough! I am happily there for you, whatever you decide to do for your special day. You are FABULOUS!

Lora said...

Hey Malisa, what if you and I go out to dinner together tomorrow and we reschedule the birthday event? I already have a babysitter and I'm desperate for interaction...

Amber said...

I will be happy to join in for anything. Is this a girls only thing or are we bringing along our husbands? I am going to try and get off of work as quick as possible, so someone please call my cell phone and leave a message so I know where you are. I'll be there as quick as I can!