Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Picture of Health

Wondering how my doctor's visit went? Can't stand all the suspense? Well, wait no longer...I am the picture of health!

The office visit went well, although I was oddly nervous. After that, I was relying on the blood work to show me what is causing all of this fatigue. The doctor (yes, the actual doctor) called me this afternoon and told me the following:

Iron - in the normal range (37.5 to be exact)
Blood Count - normal
Folic Acid- normal
Vitamin B 12 - normal
Thyroid - perfect
Every other test you would run in a regular blood panel - normal
Blood pressure - normal

So there you have it - no answers. The doctor believes me and said he just keeps thinking he must have missed something. It could be my less-than-adequate sleep, or some form of depression, or that fact that my husband works all the time. I don't know anymore.

The next few weeks I'm going to work on mind over matter and see if this is in my head. One problem is that it comes and goes. I guess we'll see.

P.S. I am grateful to have such a healthy body.


Robyn said...

Wow, good for you. It's nice to know that you are healthy but kind of annoying when something is obviously not right.

Stephanie said...

This seems like a mixed blessing: obviously it's fabulous that you're the picture of health, but a bit frustrating you don't have answers. Best wishes on having things work themselves out so you can get feeling better soon!

BTW... thank you so much for the helmet and books! My Peanut LOVES the books!

Kerri said...

I'm GLAD you're the picture of health so you could come over and save me from moving he---- Oh, I mean, the mess that I'm in. You seriously were AMAZING!!! Thanks thanks thanks!

Lanterne Rouge RIder said...

Malisa, one thing that I've learned about fighting the fatigue is that it's not a matter of mind over matter. Were that the case, our family would be in great shape. Just know that you always have sympathetic ears in our house.

Dixie said...

Wow! Sorry there isn't an easy answer.