Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photobucket and My Niece

I'm trying to post pics from photobucket. I can't go the slow way through Blogger ANYMORE! However, these were huge, so now they're just thumbnails. I'll work on that later.

I have plans to take a photography class in the future. I know I have lots to learn. I've been having focusing problems with my camera, but I think I may have figured out why AFTER our little photo shoot. Keep in mind that these pictures have zero editing - they haven't even been cropped. My neice is beautiful, don't you think? (We were on our way to IKEA, so I got to use the same wall that is in our family photos.)



Kerri said...

Fun pictures, Malisa. Hope your weekend was good.

N Luthi said...

they look great! she is beautiful...

Lora said...

She's a looker! I think you'd school everyone if you took a photo class---you probably know everything they'd have to teach you. :) Did you like the Photobucket option?

stacie said...

So where exactly is this wall? It isn't at Ikea is it? day I was at you house and you had a black 'sheet' or piece of fabric up to take pictures of your little one in your kitchen. Was that yours? and if so, can I borrow it. I, like you have a great time taking photos. I, unlike you, am not very good at it. But the last couple of years I've taken my boys pictures outside and this year I wanted to to an indoor pic. Anyway, if possible could I use that fabric?

Malisa said...

Yes, photobucket was MUCH better, except for the size of the photos. I decided these ones needed to be smaller because they really aren't that good big. :)

Stacie, that wall is the side of IKEA. I do have black, dark brown, tan, and white 'backdrops'. Plus, a nifty PVC pipe stand for them. You're more than welcome to use them.