Thursday, January 28, 2010

Picture a Day #13-16

Jan 16, The only picture I took the whole day. An awesome look into how a trip of a mom by herself with three kids went down.

Jan 15 (2), Jenny's Canyon (in Snow Canyon).

Jan 15, My awesome nephew Kamron and us just before his graduation cermony.

Jan 14, Taken while I was driving (don't try it) to Southern Utah with the boys. The sunrays were cool in real life...

Jan 13, At one of Isaac's many mini-recitals.

1 comment:

MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

hello dear the mix somewhere during this trip there was throw up and some laundering done at my home...a dutch oven dinner, thanks to my sweetie, and new friendships rendered. Your children are beautiful, my children after you left wondered when we would be seeing....that Isaac kid....that little blonde girl...when is your friend with the dark hair coming back....ME: Isaac lives faaar away, so probably not for a while. You mean Sarah? You mean Malisa? We really enjoyed having your company. My family was instantly in love. You are doing an amazing job. hugs!!