Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Snotty Raisins and Phlegm Fruit Snacks

I have been feeling pretty yucky and tired for 5.5 days now (plus quite a few days before that of fatigue). There were lots of times I thought I was on the mend, but I was wrong! Uck. I have had NO motivation for much of anything. This morning I can feel the life coming back into me. It's about time!!

When Isaac was getting out of the neighbor's van on Monday, he tripped and hit the asphalt hard. His wrist swelled and I was worried it could be fractured or something. Feeling not so good myself, I drug all the kids to the instacare. While we were waiting in the room (forever), Sarah was eating raisins on my lap. I guess she thought it would be interesting to stick one up her nose -- way up. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on. She seemed bothered and kept sneezing. I had no idea what to do since I hadn't had much experience with this! I looked in the hall for someone to help me and a very nice male nurse came in. Sarah was already apprehensive about being there before, but she started SCREAMING when the nurse looked in her nose. I know the first thing to try in this type of situation....(If you already know this let me know, because no one I have talked to does)...He said "This is going to be a little gross. I'm going to cover the unblocked side of her nose and then you are going to blow hard into her mouth and it will come flying out and hit you in the face." !!!!

And guess what? That's what happened! (But then it fell on the floor. Visuals help, don't they?)

I just started laughing.

But then, minutes later, Adam was gagging and out came a fruit snack on the chair, nice and slimy.

Then the laughter really came (because everybody was okay, right?). However, Adam didn't think it was so funny and let me know.

Isaac's wrist looks okay. It is sprained, but not broken.

P.S. The first thing Isaac was sad about when he hurt his wrist? -- Not being able to play the piano. Hooray!


Kerri said...

OOOO...YUCK. Your title is just delicious. Yuck yuck yuck.

Lora said...

Ain't life grand? I would never have thought to do that to remove a raisin. And how else would a person learn such a thing? Thanks for the tip. I can only hope I don't ever have to use it.

I hope you are feeling better. It's like the winter illnesses started early this year. We've all been dragging for ages.

Lora said...

P.S. I liked how you changed the sizes on your words. I'll need to try that one out myself.

Robyn said...

With your title and you starting the post out saying you haven't been feeling well......was really gross. I thought that's whats been coming up from your coughing or something. I guess I'm glad I kept reading, although, it wasn't any less gross. ha

Julie said...

Laughing hesterically out loud (I better stop because Justin is already asleep next to me)!!!