Sunday, November 2, 2008

What is Wrong With Me?

Sometimes I can handle reading blogs, sometimes I can't.

If I am feeling down, all I can think when I'm reading them is 'why can't I do that?' or 'how come I can't be more open-minded?', or 'why does this make me feel low?' or 'how in the heck are people so creative? I do SO MUCH STUFF, but obviously it isn't enough' OR 'how does everyone manage to be so HAPPY all the time?'. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

I want to be amazing and creative. I want to be a great mom and wife and homemaker. I want to be positive and patient and kind and longsuffering. I want to be spiritual and thoughtful. Most of the time it seems like I'm not any of these. Most of the time I feel like I'm just fumbling and sometimes drowning.

Um, I probably shouldn't blog about how I'm feeling at the moment.


emily, etc, etc said...

You are all of those wonderful things - maybe not at once, but certainly at one point or another. Besides no one is perfect and no one diplays all of those qualities all the time. All you should really worry about is doing your best and then being satisfied with the fact that you tried your hardest each day. I think you are amazing (and don't give yourself enough credit)- and I love that we are neighbors and more importantly friends!!!!!

Lora said...

You have just tapped onto the reason why it took me so long to join the world of blogging. If there is something wrong with you (which I don't believe, by the way) at least you are not alone in feeling that way.

Here's what I think: blogs are like sappy Christmas letters that spread the joy year-round. :) Mostly there's a lot of bragging about the good parts of life but the reality is always A LOT more bleak than the description.

My rule of thumb: never read other people's blogs when I'm bummed. It only excels the downward spiral at an alarming rate.

Hang in there. Anyone who can survive nursery for more than one week has at least something going in the right direction...

Kerri said...

You know how I feel about this topic...

I'm perfect, and you should want to be just like me. And if you're not just like me, you're just not trying hard enough.

Anonymous said...

I ditto all previous comments. Just yesterday I was reading a blog of someone who was struggling and I found myself jealous of their struggles???? go figure... Now that's messed up.