Thursday, November 13, 2008

Volleyball Revisited

This is a happy post. While our volleyball experience had a rocky beginning, it had a fabulous ending. No, I don't think we won any games - but we had a great time. The last few games we played have been some of the funnest yet for me. Thank you to all of the ladies for helping make our team AWESOME! I took my camera tonight to get a picture...but left it in the car.


Jamilla said...

Oh... I miss playing volleyball with you all. It makes me sad. My stake doesn't have any sports for women. I want to come back and play with you all! I am sure it was a good time!

Robyn said...

I am so glad it ended well. I REALLY wish I could have played but I just couldn't fit it in. I love all you ladies.

Lanterne Rouge RIder said...

I think you know that there is video of the last game, without any scores. You can find it at
It's actually fun to watch friends play a fun game of volleyball against a fairly equal opponent.