Thursday, September 25, 2008

Volleyball Anyone?

I got really worked up over church sports tonight.

Hind sight is helpful.

Our stake is very particular about following the rules. VERY PARTICULAR. Having said that, it is understandable that the rules come from higher up and that those in charge (that totally volunteer their time) are simply trying to follow them. However, I do believe there is a point when it may be better to err on the side of enjoyment and fun, than technicalities.

But here's where I have realized the larger problem lies. It's some our very own team's negativity. (This usually happens in basketball more, because it's a contact sport.) If we had just let things lie it would have all been okay. I sat out an entire game to make sure I didn't get any more frustrated than I already was. I am saddened that I had any part in the complaining. It is all enough to make me want to throw in the towel for good.

I mostly love playing church sports. These women are good women. It's sad to see us lose perspective.

"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference."

-- Saint Francis of Assis


Robyn said...

Malisaaaaaa!!!!!!! What in the world happened? And I missed it? Just kidding. Don't 'throw in the towel' yet. I hope things get better. Hey, I don't have school next thursday, if there is a game please let me know what time. I would love to come and add to the "enjoyment" of it all.

Anonymous said...

Malisa, Thank you for the time you devote to being our team captain. I love playing and even if I need to sit out more, I still want to come and be with everyone.
P.S. Your hair looks great!

Anonymous said...

Just replying for the sake of replying and so that you know I read your post and care. :) Time moving on is a good, good thing.

emily, etc, etc said...

Well, you know where I stand after I talked to you yesterday. I am probably the most wicked on the team - man I hate being opinionated; especially when I am right! Anyway, I have committed to myself that I am going to be better and do more of "not caring" and less of expressing my opninions. Thanks for all the work you do - I really appreciate it.