Sunday, September 21, 2008

I've been waiting...

Half the reason I wanted a girl is so that I could do her hair - hair that has taken A LONG TIME to grow.

Unfortunately, the piggies didn't stay in for very long.


Robyn said...

Hey there Malisa!! Welcome to bloggerland. Sarah is so sweet. I love the pigtails on her. Keep on blogging cutie, it will be more fun as you go. It's taken me a while to actually enjoy blogging. Keep 'em comin.

Suzanne Plant said...

I am so glad you wrote me!! I have been wondering how you are. If you don't mind I am going to add you to my lists of blogs I follow. So happy to see you are doing great.

Can I just say how amazing your short hair is? So cute! I can't believe how big your kids are. I haven't seen Sarah since she was a brand new baby. I think it's funny that you are just now getting pig tails in her hair and I have been putting pig tails in my baby Louisa's hair since she was 3 months old. Can you believe it?

Sherilyn said...

Hey lady! Welcome to the bloggers! Is that green and blue room the boy's? It looks cute! Kids are sooo cute. Hope you are doing great.

Anonymous said...


emily, etc, etc said...

Holy Cow - that is so cute!!!!!