Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Thing About Me - Updated

I believe in my religion, but I can understand why others don't or wouldn't want to.

I'm neither a Liberal or Conservative. There are almost always two valid sides to an argument. I can see both sides of say - gay rights (and tons of other issues) and honestly can't make up my mind.

This is why I can be such an indecisive person.

When I was a senior in high school, I remember wondering if I had any opinions about anything. I didn't really feel strongly about a lot of things. I don't think I had as many critical decisions to make back then and definitely didn't have as much control of my life.

With more responsibility now, I have many opinions, especially about my family and raising my children. I try though (sometimes I fail) to only project those ideas on my own little family and not others.

I've been a little frustrated with some things about baseball. It's so easy to get worked up. This is where I try to step back and see both sides. The coach and I both have fine ideas, they're just different. And I can live with that. Kudos to him for being willing to coach. Speak of the devil, he called just now. :)

I appreciate everyones input on my last post. I really don't feel THAT passionate about it, even if it sounded so. My latest stance: No, King Kong wasn't a good choice, but other ones could be appropriate. I like the idea of watching a first vision movie among the trees. Good points. I like when others kindly help me see a different point of view.

I guess this is all to say, if you know me well enough, you know I *try* to be as open-minded as possible. I try to look at issues from different angles and attempt to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I slip into some not-so-great behaviour, but overall I think I've gotten better as I've aged. Ha! Aged!

While I'm typing this Sarah is playing with her Barbies and having them dance and saying in a very excited voice, "Hi, I'm Barbie. Hi, I'm pretty. Oh, my dress!" I really do love that girl!

Update: While thinking about my political opinions, I realize that what I really don't like is listening to people who are too strongly one way or the other. I've found that much of their arguments are based on emotion (and creating that emotion in others) and not always logical thinking. I love what Kevin said in the comments about really examining why we support or oppose and idea. Whenever I do that I realize just how limited my experience and knowledge usually are.


Lanterne Rouge RIder said...

This post hasn’t garnered as many comments yet, but I think it should.

I find it interesting how we tend to polarize ourselves. Finding insights in the middle way – or the Tao of Eastern philosophy – is not the way of our culture. For my part, I find that if I strongly agree with an opinion, I usually find it easy to let the opinion stand. If I take umbrage with an idea, I vociferously rant. I thank many are the same.

From your last post, and this post, I (not to speak for any other person, which I can’t) have gained an insight: that I need to understand why I am supporting or opposing an idea, then keep my comments based explaining that position and helping others to see that there is a middle way to follow.

I hope that my comments have been in that spirit, and that I can continue to keep them that way.

Thank you, Malisa, for causing us all to think a little more deeply about our standin in this “war of words and tumult of opinions.”

And, no, you have not yet offended me.

jennschmerer said...

I agree completely Malisa. I've learned as I've aged (double ha-ha) that there is always another side and that other people are usually not wrong, they just have a different point of view- which I'll try to understand. Although I like being right. :0)

Kudos to you for being a little humble. We all need more of that I think. :0)