Thursday, October 30, 2008

The 2 Minute Hair-Do

These special hair-styles take about 2 minutes to do. Unfortunately they also only last 2 minutes.

What would you do with hair like this?!!?

(Yes, Sarah is attempting to climb the wall. She really tried hard too. It must be boring at our house if she's resorting to this.)

I like this latest hair idea I had. I fought hard all day to keep it in. Surprisingly, I ended the day with the clip. Most of the others have been lost.





emily, etc, etc said...

soooooo cute! I love the two ponytails.... and climbing walls - classic.

Kerri said...

I love that cute face...she knows she's cute, doesn't she? Keep it up with the hair, but Sophie never gave in until she was 6 or 7.

Suzanne Plant said...

Funny how we all have the same hair battles and climbing up on things they aren't supposed to battles. I guess kids will be kids! Sarah is so cute!