Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One of the Things I Was Not Naturally Blessed With

I have never had a great memory. It's sad, but true. There have been a few times in my life that it has worked better for me than others, but it's been especially bad since I had kids. I forget names, faces, details, conversations, you name it. Just ask Daniel. My memory - not so good.

I tell you this so that you know -- if I forget something, PLEASE do not think it's you! I just simply forget most things. I seem to have an inability to focus very well these days. My head is usually a jumbled mess of what I want to do battling with what I'm supposed to do.

My mom would maybe say that I just don't care enough to remember, but I hope that's not true. Honestly, I have the best of intentions. The sad thing is that sometimes I remember something after the fact and it's too late. There are two people who's birthdays I flaked on and I keep remembering that now. (I don't want to name who they are just in case THEY forgot - but if it's you, please know that I care about you.) Oh, I hope my friends and family can know that I love them despite my lack of rememberingness.

On the positive side of forgetfulness, it's much harder to hold grudges if you can't remember what it was the darn person did. Some things will bother me for a time, but then it's just all gone. Really gone.

I just love when other people remind me of things that I said that I DON'T REMEMBER SAYING. Please be patient with me.

I also like to stick my foot in my mouth, but that's a post for another time.

P.S. If you want me to attend something (like birthday parties, Leslie ), tell me that I have to put it on my calendar RIGHT THEN. It cannot wait until we are off the phone; by then it will be gone.

1 comment:

Suzanne Plant said...

My birthday was August 7th and you forgot it -- KIDDING!!!! You are not alone. We all forget everything after having babies!