Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I've Been Tagged. I'm an Official Blogger.

Robyn G. tagged me. Wow. My first tag. It was kind of fun to think about what I like and such. So here goes:

5 shows I love to watch:
2-Ha, ha!
4-I used to watch one show, but even that's gone now. There. Is. Not. Enough. Time. To. Do. Everything.
5-(But if I was willing to spend money on cable, I would spend ALL DAY watching HGTV. That's what I secretly wanted to do while we were in San Diego. Um, maybe we shouldn't get cable. But if YOU have cable, be sure to invite me over.)

5 (or so) favorite restaurants:
1-Thai Wild Ginger
2-Rumbi's, Jason's Deli
3-Olive Garden
4-Subway, Gandolfo's
5-India House

5 things that happened yesterday:
1-I drove the kids to school.
2-I went shopping at IKEA with Sarah to get accessories for my new bookcase.
3-I apologized for being short with someone.
4-I finally finished cleaning out the garage so Daniel could park in it.
5-I blogged and read blogs.

5 things I look forward too:
1-Daniel getting home.
2-Free time with no obligations.
3-Comments on my blog.
4-Shopping at IKEA. (Can you tell it's on my mind?)
5-Going wogging (walking/jogging) with the girls.

5 thing I love about fall:
1-The LEAVES. Crispety, crunchy, gorgeous red, orange, yellow, green and brown LEAVES!!
2-The crisp (not freezing) fresh air.
3-Not having to feel guilty about not taking my kids swimming as much as everyone else.
4-A better wardrobe.
5-Everyone starting to lose their tan so they look more like me. :)

5 things on my wish list:
1-Daniel to come home earlier from work, work less in general and be able to sleep more.
2-Happy children all the time.
3-A house as clean as Natalie's.
4-Being able to wiggle my nose and have dinner appear.
5-A more sustainable lifestyle.

5 people I tag:
1-Kerri G.
2-Sherilyn R.
3-Suzanne P.
4-Most of the others I could tag don't really even know I read their blogs.
5-I really need to link to more people! It's on my to-do list.
6-(You don't really have to do it unless you want. I don't like to pressure people.)


Robyn said...

Thanks for accepting my tag, Malisa. That was fun to read. I liked the added color to the fall part.

Stephanie said...

This was such fun! I love finding out more about people. :)

You're welcome and invited over any time to watch cable: it's our special treat while Kate lives with us.

Anonymous said...

What does it mean to tag someone?