Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We're Back; Did You Know We Were Gone?

I wasn't sure whether or not to announce that we were going on a trip. Obviously I chose not to. I didn't want to put that information out there for just anyone to read. But now that we're back I can tell you we went to San Diego for 8 days! Ironically, we weren't careful enough ON our trip and had a lot of stuff stolen. I'll try to get to that later. So, so sad.

I am unusually tired and discouraged at the moment by the prospect of returning to regular life. I've already been bombarded by school, home, politics, laundry, church, computer, social pressures, and managing our photos. The kids were really pretty great on the trip, but NOT TONIGHT. Talk about grumpy. (When you have to retype the word TALK four times just to spell it right, you know you should be in bed and not blogging.)

It was a great trip. Now that we're back, I would love to say there is no place like home, but I just can't muster up the energy right now.


Kerri said...

Glad you're home safely. Still so sorry about your stuff being stolen. Can't wait to catch up.

emily, etc, etc said...

Glad to have you home. San Diego is such a fun place (Scott and I lived there for a little while before we had kids). See you Sunday!