Thursday, July 30, 2009

As Clean As It Gets

Lynea and kids came today. My basement was unliveable just two days ago. I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I actually vacuumed all of the carpet in the house today. (Usually I do one floor at a time.) So proud of myself. In fact, I was so proud that I had to run around and take some pictures...

A poor picture of the basement - but it's now so functional and the kids play down there a lot!

Another view.

The new (used to be craft) toy closet.

The guest room with my never finished painting. I actually kind of like that it leaves it open to your imagination. I have my 'craft' stuff in here now and draping it all was the only way I could think of to disguise it (mostly from Lynea's two-year-old). :)

My office area. I'm finally posting a real picture of my bookcase. LOOOOVVVVE IT.

See all the pictures above my desk. New idea. I like it so far, but I'm not done yet.

I need to look at the settings on my camera. I have a bright lovely house. Anyways, this is the master in it's latest arrangement. One of these days I'll take of picture of the newly framed mirrors and the rest of my projects. One of these days. :)

P.S. Have you noticed that the quality of uploaded pictures on blogger suddenly seems much worse. (Try looking at pictures with faces like the ones in my previous post.) I'm guessing they decided to make the files smaller, but I'm not liking it.


Kerri said...

Looks great! Have fun with your sis! And yes, I've noticed the quality shift with pics. Wierd.

Tracy Christopulos Harward said...

Looks good Malisa. Alot of hard work - but oh, what a great feeling after huh...