Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Only a Year Ago...

This photo was from last July. I never seem to remember my kids looking like they did in old photos, but it really hasn't been that long that Sarah has had hair.

This is her right now, hair in her eyes as she prefers. Having a girl with hair is every bit as fun as I dreamed. :)


Wilson Venancio said...

Time just goes by real quick, doesn't it? I have a small nephew. First time I saw him in the flesh was back in May 2009. I didn't realize how big he had become until a few months later while he was playing with another kid 6 months younger than him. These are definitely the moments a parent (let alone an uncle) should learn to enjoy. Now I know how my parents felt when we were growing up.

Kerri said...

Sweet girl. Her hair is really getting long!

Julie said...

That is funny, Amanda has decided lately she prefers her hair undone too.

Bountiful Blessings said...

I can't believe how much it has grown! I have received a lot of grief that I don't let Sarah's hair grow long. It is b/c she wouldn't let me touch it if it was, resulting in tangles and tears! Your "baby" is adorable.(they may be getting older, but they are still our baby girls!)