Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well, That Was Easy

So I guess Sarah is nearly potty-trained. It doesn't seem to matter if she's playing, watching TV, outside, or in a diaper. She goes on her own and just told me to go away. She goes both #1 and #2 without problems. She's waking up most mornings dry. She's figured out that by holding the front of her dress in her mouth, she can avoid it falling into the toilet.

Plus, this has all required very little effort on my part. The only hurdle we have yet to tackle in using public and/or other people's potties, but I'm not complaining. Bless the heavens.

(For those of you that don't know, this is NOT the potty-training scenario I had with the boys.)


Julie said...

Good Job Sarah!

Tracy Christopulos Harward said...

Sophie was easy too - and truly I was blessing the heavens. It really does feel like a luxury after having it not come as easy with other children. Yeah Sarah!