Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Should Weed Do?

I don't mind weeding too much if the weather is nice and there's not to much to do. My kids, however, HATE it. You would think it was pure torture if you heard them moan and groan about it. I usually only make them weed the playground area, since it is their area and the weeds pull out nice and easy. No big deal, right? They have said they'd rather not have to weed than have a playground!!

We haven't been out much this past month and this is what it looks like.

Do you notice how they are all against the fence? Yep. One of our backyard neighbors doesn't have grass - just weeds, for their backyard. There is no stopping the vengeance of those weeds. The weeds in our yard stop right where their fence line stops.

A few years ago the house was vacant, though owned by the same people. The weeds got so tall that Daniel went in their back yard and hacked/sprayed them. They keep them shorter now, but whenever I pull the weeds in our yard, I think about saying something about it.

Should I?


Julie said...

No, they obviously do not care. We have a few neighbors that are the same way. I have an elderly women that lives next door to me that absolutely hates it. She leaves notes on their door all the time. They do mow them on occasion, but never have done anything to get rid of them. I have sprayed neighbors weeds before (I hope none of my neighbors never read this) because I feel like it will at least help my yard. IFA sells 24D and it works really well, you can even spray it on your grass. Just lean over your fence and give it a good spray every now and then (when you know they aren't home). Good Luck!

Sherilyn said...

I have seen someone put a hard black plastic barrier down in the ground because their neighbors had tons of weeds. Not sure if it will work becasue I have heard morning glory roots can be up to 6 feet long and can grow under sidewalks. Talking to them probably won't make a difference, I agree.

Tracy Christopulos Harward said...

Hi Malisa. No, I wouldn't talk to them. We've learned the hard way that it's better if you're going to say anything at all - to have a good friendship with them first. If you don't, it becomes akward and strained for a long time to come. (That's our experience anyway). Hope you guys are doing well. Tell Daniel hi from us...

Lora said...

Do we live next door to each other? We have that same neighbor. :) We've never talked to them---it drives Nathan more crazy than me.

Danielle said...

Haha! I love the title. I'm a sucker for puns (seriously). I didn't even notice the weeds last week!