Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You May or May Not Have Noticed...

..that I have not been posting as much. You know why? It's that cursed thing called FACEBOOK. When I first joined I thought is was so innocent. But now I know, it is a lion in sheep's clothing. It can suck you in. The more friends you get, the more there is to see and do. Oh, I've been reading and commenting and snooping just as much as I ever do on blogs. (Blogs seem to have more weight to me though - maybe a little less superficial. )

I need it to be known that I do NOT check facebook all day. It is not an addiction (unlike other griends, I mean friends, that I know of)! I mainly check it at night, at which time I promptly make the choice to not sleep as much as my heavy head is telling me it wants to, in lieu of finding out what petty things everyone is doing.

I really have so many thoughts rambling about in my head for blog posts, but facebook makes me blank-minded once I get on...and I HAVE to get on because of all the emails I get telling me what I have missed! As far as blogging goes, the sheer thought of waiting for another picture to download is enough to make me give up entirely.

Maybe tomorrow I'll feel differently. Maybe tomorrow I'll spend more time with you, my blog, just to make sure you aren't getting jealous.

:) Malisa


Suzanne Plant said...

It's so funny to hear you say this! I was the EXACT same way when I first got on Facebook. (Blog, what Blog?) My kids were so neglected! I am happy to say it does not last and eventually it will die down and life blogging will go back to normal!

Malisa said...

I've been on facebook for a bit now and wasn't that drawn by it. It's only more recently that it has roped me in. :) It started when I realized I nearly had 100 friends. It was just too exciting!!! :)

Stephanie said...

You're so cute!

It took me a while to get caught in the Facebook web... but since I've been a little less mobile, I have found myself checking it far too often. Hey, I guess it's a good outlet?

*please excuse me as I justify myself...*

Bountiful Blessings said...

we are one in the same! i have tried to walk away from fb, but it always beckons me back. btw..I have been terribly lazy and have yet to mail your package..so sorry! maybe next week I will get back in the groove:)

Kerri said...

I am not the friend who is addicted to facebook, I hope. The internet, maybe. Facebook is not an addiction. (I'm still in denial).

Lora said...

These are all the reasons why I am not on FaceBook. EVERYONE, everyone bugs me about getting on, but I already have too many distractions to pull me from cleaning my house. :)

Julie said...

I did facebook for awhile and I had my fun...and then I heard bad things (ask me later and I will give you some details). So, I deactivated my account. I have to admit I have seriously thought about what everyone is doing and wanted to get back on. I do have a little more time since I don't have facebook.

Lanterne Rouge RIder said...

I highly resemble that comment about addicted griends, but I did find time to read your blog and post on my own tonight. (Not in that order.) I took a minute and just laughed at the griends reference. Very funny.

A.H. Maslow said...

Malisa, while I agree with the idea that Blogs carry more "gravitas," (at least from the standpoint of depth of thought... wait... blogs=deep thought... hmmm) Facebook seems a much more fluid,dynamic medium for sharing some part of our lives with those griends we choose to have in our list. If there were no need for this level of connection, (The Love/Belonging level of the hierarchy of needs!) Facebook would not be so popular, nor so addictive.

My other thought... sleep deprivation does not equal lucid blog comments.